Friday, July 13, 2007

WoM campaigns need kick-off

This week, Hyundai started a viral campaign on their smallest car, the I30. I subscribed on Iwantani30 and within 3 days, I received a 3x4 banner. You have to place this banner in your garden or in your street, make a picture of it, upload it and then start your media campaign towards your friends to get as much votes as possible. The person the most votes wins the car.
Well done, as this campaign might create fast and relative cheap awareness through WoM. Important in this type of campaigns is a strong kick-off to trigger a minimum number of people to the URL. Without that critical mass the campaign might not take off...

Campaign developed by Duval Guillaum Brussels.

1 comment:

Gerd said...

I got an e-mail today from Hyundai, claiming following results after the start of the campaign (2 weeks ago):
- Last week: 5.000 to 10.000 visitors (rather vague, no??)
- More than 2.500 banners have been requested

Furthermore, they show an overview of original places where the helicopter should land and advice to further develop your campaign.