Thursday, July 26, 2007

Nutella pizza !?

Nutella wants to push the volume per consumer by creating new consumer moments. Through PR and partnerships they've tried to show when and with what other side products than bread Nutella can be eaten. Go to the Nutella homepage or Google Nutella and you'll find plenty of receipes based on this delicious hazelnut spread.
In Italy, the brand's home country, they go even further and by stretching it to a real life Nutella experience: the Nutelleria. In the full branded shop, you can order Nutella crepe, Nutella pizza, Nutella burger, Nutella tacos, Nutella sundae, Nuttle ice cream rolls, Nutella shake, etc. It provides the consumer of basic ideas to use back home and therefore to buy more Nutella. And on top of that, it generates extra value for the company.

Good idea for other brands: Jacqmotte (Jacqmotte Coffee House), Dash or Tide (the Dash Washing Saloon), Tomato farmer (Tomato Restaurant, which actually exists in Paris on the place Saint Georges).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmmm. So happy I don't live anywhere near that bar since I would certainly gain 10 pounds.