Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Your skin as soft as a baby's

Commercials for shaving products often looked alike: a man enjoys his morning shave followed by a smiling girl who approves the good job with her hand or own cheek. And it works.

The difficulty with products for men is the targeting: the user group isn’t the buyers group. With this type of commercial, decided to fully concentrate on both target groups, based on 2 different insights:
- Female or buyers group: I would love to kiss my husband without irritating my skin
- Male or end user: I feel guilty because my cheeks are always shaggy

Wilkinson went a step further with this funny viral ad. As the father sees his wife kisses their baby all the time, he understands his cheek should be as soft as his son’s cheek!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Next generation washing machines

This machine looks innocent, but it might cause nightmares to every marketer in the multi billion dollar business of the giants Dash, Persil, Ariel, Coral and Vizir. This new piece of technology is made by the Chinese constructor “Haier” and is named WASH20.

So what? Well, it will wash your laundry as white and clean with clear water, without any help of soap or what so ever! According to the brochure of the manufacturer, the machine washes with a chemical substance called dihydrogen monoxide. It breaks down the water (H2O) into OH- and H+ ions, who both have a role in the washing process. OH- acts as the cleaning agent by attracting and retaining stains. The H+ ions sterilize the clothes.

It will soon be launched on the Belgian market for 699€ and exists already in France. Right on time, as with the global warming issue becomes more important for the consumer.

I know that Procter & Gamble and Unilever knew about this innovation since long. I’m curious what their reaction will be...

Friday, November 9, 2007

Nespresso for everyone

The new Nespresso commercial featuring George Cloony is out. This is the second in line to activate the “What Else?” campaign launched one year ago, when George Cloony became the new brand icon.

This is a best practice to illustrate the inclusive strategy of Nespresso. It takes into consideration the requirements of a specific target group (in this case baby boomers) without excluding the rest of your main target group (20-45).
George Cloony is aspirational for both age groups.
The opposite example is Dove with its Pro-Age range targeting 50+ women. It’s positioning is explicit in the whole marketing mix (packaging, product benefits, media selection, etc.).

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Axe versus Dove - What's Unilever's message?

It's a pity how Unilever spreads 2 contrary messages into the world.
I thought consumers would think this is important: once they would start to understand Axe and Dove are from the same company, the credibility of the Dove’s self-esteem fund would drop below zero.

But the numbers prove the contrary. On Youtube, the new Dove movie (Dove Unslaught; posted 4 weeks ago) has far more clicks (785.867) than this message (posted 2 weeks ago) with merely 21.562 clicks!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Viral champagne

It's a little bit early, yet this is an outstanding viral campaign as a lot of funny e-mails are sent at work.
A pitty the marketing team can't measure the number of views.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Nokia reaches out to angry iPhone early adopters

After only 66 days, Apple decided to cut the price of their iPhone with 200 USD. Protests from Apple lovers were loud. They felt abused when they discovered their passion was nothing more than business. For Apple, this was just a profit maximization, especially with the Christmas holidays to come. Everybody knows this was going to happen (electronics always drop in price over time), but not that fast and with that amount!

The Nokia marketing team immediatly understood the feelings of these early adopters. Only 1 hour after the announcement, the Finnish company launched an Adwords campaign towards this target group. When early adopters Googled "iphone price drop", a sponsored link named "Sorry, Early Adopters" appeared. It referred to Mosh, Nokia's social network. The impact was huge as Nokia reached Apple's most loyal consumers right at the moment when they felt betrayed.

With this campaign, Nokia used 2 of the benefits of the internet: speed and creativity. Of course, this is only possible if you understand your target group long before this opportunity occurs.